What’s New in the Stygian Realm?

Hey guys : )
I know it’s been pretty quiet around here. So I wanted to share some great news and updates with you. It’s been six months since Infernal Ice made its debut in the literary world and I couldn’t be more pleased : )  I would like to give a special thanks to my followers, readers and all the bloggers who help make this novel a great success.
Here is what the critics are saying:
infernal ice 3D BOOK
 On the heels of these great reviews, I wanted to share that Infernal Ice will be available in audiobook this fall through audible.com and is narrated by the talented Susan Fouche. I’ll be posting a snippet soon.
I also received many inquiries about Infernal Shriver, the second novel in the Stygian Chronicles series and I’m happy to confirm that it’s DONE (YAY!!!!) and I’m currently working on some revisions. Stay tuned for the cover reveal and the release date.
That’s all for now.
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by : )